KASKI Juan Pablo

Great Ormond Street Hospital & UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science

Professor Juan Pablo Kaski MD(Res) FRCP FESC


Juan Pablo Kaski is Professor of Paediatric Inherited Cardiovascular Medicine at the

UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science, where he leads the UCL Centre for

Paediatric Inherited and Rare Cardiovascular Diseases, and Consultant Paediatric

Cardiologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), London, UK. He is the

Director of the GOSH Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases. His clinical and

research interests are focused on the clinical and genetic characterisation of

inherited cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac death in childhood.


He is immediate past-Chair of the Association for European Paediatric Cardiology

(AEPC) Working Group on Genetics, Basic Science and Myocardial Disease and sits

on the Executive Board of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)

Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis Registry Programme and the ESC Council on

Cardiovascular Genomics. He leads an international paediatric HCM consortium of

over 45 centres, which was responsible for the development of the first sudden death

risk prediction model for childhood HCM. He is Chair of the Task Force for the 2023

European Society of Cardiology Cardiomyopathy Guidelines.