Belgian Interdisciplinary Working group on Acute Cardiology (BIWAC)

Belgian Interdisciplinary Working group on Acute Cardiology (BIWAC)

Belgian Interdisciplinary Working Group on Acute Cardiology

The Working Group aims at improving study and knowledge of Acute Cardiology and its implementation in daily practice. This can be accomplished by organizing scientific meetings and courses, the exchange of information and the editing of Guidelines of Good Clinical practice,
as well by scientific research.

BIWAC Board:

– President: Tim Balthazar (UZ Brussel)

– Past-president: Philippe Morimont (CHU de Liège)

– President Elect: Tim Balthazar (UZ Brussel)

– Treasurer: Marc Claeys ( UZ Antwerp)

– Secretary: Herbert De Raedt (OLV Aalst) & Antoine Herpain (ULB Erasme)


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