The Belgian Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing (BWGCVN) was founded in 2009 and aims to improve the quality of nursing care for patients diagnosed with cardiovascular conditions in Belgium. This working group aims to obtain this goal by organizing scientific conferences for nurses and allied profession, formally collaborating with national and international associations, and promoting and conducting research in the field of cardiovascular nursing.
The specific objectives of the Working Group are the following:
To improve the quality of nursing care for patients diagnosed with cardiovascular conditions in Belgium.
To undertake and support activities which promote cardiovascular health in the overall population.
To develop, disseminate and monitor the standards of continuing education and clinical practice.
To promote evidence based cardiovascular nursing practice in Belgium.
To collaborate with the Belgian Society for Cardiology and its working groups to improve the quality of life of the overall population.
Eva Goossens
Vice Chair
Liesbet Van Bulck
Dimitri Jacquemin
Michèle de Hosson
General board members
Karen De Munck
Dana Berti
Ive Verbeeck
Jens Boelens
Philippe Delrez
Inge Bolle
Yaël Vanharen
Shana Thys
Celine Spoormans
Axel Dorrestijn
Co-chairs of the Belgian Heart Failure Nurses Group
Inge Bolle
Jan Vercammen
Everybody who`s working in the field of cardiovascular nursing care can join our working group. Membership applications can be submitted via the contact form on our website:
For contact details and more information about this working group and our activities please visit our official website: