The current president of the Belgium Working group in Heart Failure, Prof. Ana Roussoulières, is pleased to extend a warm invitation on behalf of the group to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the BWGHF with the launch of the national heart failure care path. Please find the invitation below, available in both Dutch and French....
1 year fellowship at UZ Leuven in Adult Congenital Cardiology
UZ Leuven is looking for a new fellow in adult congenital cardiology. You can consult the job offer here
Job offer: AZ Diest is hiring!
AZ Diest is looking for a new cardioloog. You can consult the job offer here
BSC requests a CV Health Plan
Cardiovascular diseases are still, together with cancer, the leading cause of death in Belgium. The BSC urges policymakers to prioritize cardiovascular health by implementing a Belgian Cardiovascular Plan.
New ESC Guidelines!
The new 2024 ESC guidelines presented at the ESC Congress, and endorsed by the BSC, are now available online: Check the “Elevated Blood Pressure and Hypertension” guidelines here Check the “Atrial Fibrillation” guidelines here Check the “Chronic Coronary Syndromes” guidelines here Check the “Peripheral Arterial & Aortic Diseases” guidelines here
Rivaroxaban (Xarelto® 10 , 15, and 20mg once daily will no longer be reimbursed as of September 1st, 2024. More details HERE
Report of the BACH
The report from The Belgian Alliance for Cardiovascular Health event that took place on 18 March 2024 is available. In this report, you will find the key insights and recommendations to improve CVD health. You can download the report here
Job offer: AZ Sint-Maria Halle is hiring!
AZ Sint-Maria Halle is looking for a new cardioloog. You can consult the job offer here
Job offer: UZ Leuven is hiring!
UZ Leuven is looking for a new “Medisch dienstoofd”. You can consult the job offer here
Adaptation of 2 articles in Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad
Information of a modification of articles 12 & 34 of the nomenclature has been published in the Moniteur Belge/ Belgisch Staatsblad on 29/06/2023. The publication can be downloaded here