Congress Registration

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Congress registration

-681Days -21Hours -22Mins -39Secs

If you are a BSC member and/or attended a previous BSC congress, please use the “login to my account” button below (with the email address your account was created with), otherwise please click on “Register for an account”. If you do not know your password there is an option on the login page to reset your password.

reCAPTCHA is a check if you are a human or some form of robot.

Early Bird Standard
BSC member 170 270
Non-member 270 370
Paramedic 95 120
Nurse 65 85
Student/Trainee 95 120
Day Pass 1 day 2 day
Corporate non-exhibitor 750 1350
Press contact

Registration fees include:

  1. Congress material
  2. Coffee breaks and Lunches on Thu/Fri
  3. Networking reception on Thu