UZ Leuven

Steven Jacobs graduated as Medical Doctor in 2008. He trained in general surgery at the University Hospitals Leuven, The Royal Devon and Exeter hospital in the UK and Maxima medical center in The Netherlands from 2008 until 2015. In 2016 he became a staff member at the department of cardiac surgery of the University Hospitals Leuven. In 2019 he obtained his PhD degree at the KU Leuven with his thesis on reversed remodeling in chronic heart failure. His current research focusses on ventricular assist devices in acute and chronic heart failure. His clinical work focusses on coronary revascularization and surgical therapies for heart failure. He is a board member of the database committee of the BACTS (Belgian Association of CardioThoracic Surgery). Since 2020 he is professor at the faculty of Medicine in Leuven.