Belgian Working Group on Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging (BWGNICI)

The Belgian Working Group on Echocardiography was created more than 20 years ago. Eight years ago, due to the evolution of non-invasive clinical imaging in Cardiology this working group was merged with the Working Group on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance as The Belgian Working Group on Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging (BWGNICI) as a working group of the Belgian Society of Cardiology.
The objectives of the Working Group are:
- To promote the quality of echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance and cardiac computed tomography in Belgium.
- To inform the community regarding technical progress
- To educate and to provide references in terms of learning, scientific and clinical informations in non invasive cardiac imaging.
- To favor scientific research in the field of echocardiography.
- To evaluate and to normalize the quality of echocardiography in Belgium
- To work in collaboration with the Belgian Society of Cardiology and the other Working Groups.
- To be a scientific interlocutor in collaboration with The Belgian Society of Cardiology with the authorities
- To collaborate with the European Association of Echocardiography.
- To collaborate with the Council on Cardiovascular Imaging.
For more information, visit the BWGNICI website.
BWGNICI Nucleus:
-President: Philippe Debonnaire (AZ Sint Jan Brugge)
-Past-President: Jens-Uwe Voigt (UZ Leuven)
-President-Elect: Raluca Elena Dulgheru (CHU Liège)
-Secretary: Caroline Van De Heyning (UZ Antwerp)
-Treasurer: Lieven Herbots (Jessa Ziekenhuis)
You can contact the BWGNICI secretariat by clicking on the following email address :