The Belgian Working Group on Echocardiography was created more than 20 years ago. Eight years ago, due to the evolution of non-invasive clinical imaging in Cardiology this working group was merged with the Working Group on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance as The Belgian Working Group on Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging (BWGNICI) as a working group of the Belgian Society of Cardiology.

The objectives of the Working Group are:

  1. To promote the quality of echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance and cardiac computed tomography in Belgium.
  2. To inform the community regarding technical progress
  3. To educate and to provide references in terms of learning, scientific and clinical informations in non invasive cardiac imaging.
  4. To favor scientific research in the field of echocardiography.
  5. To evaluate and to normalize the quality of echocardiography in Belgium
  6. To work in collaboration with the Belgian Society of Cardiology and the other Working Groups.
  7. To be a scientific interlocutor in collaboration with The Belgian Society of Cardiology with the authorities
  8. To collaborate with the European Association of Echocardiography.
  9. To collaborate with the Council on Cardiovascular Imaging.

For more information, visit the BWGNICI website.


BWGNICI Nucleus:

-President: Philippe Debonnaire (AZ Sint Jan Brugge)

-Past-President: Jens-Uwe Voigt (UZ Leuven)

-President-Elect: Raluca Elena Dulgheru (CHU Liège)

-Secretary: Caroline Van De Heyning (UZ Antwerp)

-Treasurer: Lieven Herbots (Jessa Ziekenhuis)

You can contact the BWGNICI secretariat by clicking on the following email address :